Hoop Dreams
"Hoop Dreams" has a very distinct and powerful theme that is shown all throughout the documentary. One of the main things it teaches it's viewers is to follow your dreams no matter what may get in your way. Determination and perseverance are two huge things that this movie encouraged it viewers to have. In order to succeed in life, you have to earn it and you most importantly have to want it. It taught us that you have to work hard to fulfill your dreams even through the struggles that you may face. In the documentary we see many example of how both William and Arthur overcame their hardships and followed their dreams. Not having his dad in his life, missing out on a huge opportunity to remain attending St. Joseph's, and being in the presence of drugs and alcohol were all unfortunate things that Arthur had to cope with. Even though Arthur was going through rough times, he strove to make his dreams come true. William also had to deal with an absence of his father, severe knee injuries, and having at baby at a very young age. At first. he truly did struggle to find his way back to being the player he used to be after his injury. However, William knew what he had to do for himself and now for his family so he surmounted to his hardships and began persevering toward becoming a better player and student. By and large, "Hoop Dreams" was a very inspiring and touching documentary that taught its viewers to always follow their dreams no matter what got in the way of that.